



Kindergarten French


I have enjoyed getting to know your children.  In French we have been using puppets to learn how to introduce ourselves. They have been using "Je suis" (sounds like "juh swee") followed by their name. 

We have also being using color words to play games and learn a song.  


rouge (red) - sounds like "rooj"

orange (orange) - sounds like "oh-ranj"

jaune (yellow) - sounds like "jone"

vert (green) - sounds like "vare"

bleu (blue) - sounds like "bleuh"

violet (purplee) - sounds like "vee-o-lay"


Movement is a regular part of French class. We use movement words (run, walk, jump) and numbers. We are fortunate to be able to use the gym once a week and go outside when the weather permits.



The kindergartners have been learning some new words related to the story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."  We've played some games, including  "Duck, Duck, Goose" using some of the words below.


un oeuf (an egg)  - sounds like "un uff"

une chenille (a caterpillar) - sounds like "ewn shuhneey"

un papillon (a butterfly)  - sounds like  "un pah-pea-yon"

J'ai faim! (I'm hungry!) - sounds like "jay fen"





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