ACTFL Benchmarks



Novice Low:  I can communicate on some very familiar topics using single words and phrases that I have practiced and memorized.


I can greet my peers.

I can say hello and goodbye.

I can ______________________________


I can introduce myself to someone.

I can tell someone my name.

I can ______________________________


I can answer a few simple questions.

 I can respond to yes/no questions.

 I can answer an either/or question.

 I can respond to who, what, when, where questions.

 I can __________________________________


Novice Mid:  I can communicate on very familiar topics using a variety of words and phrases that I have practiced and memorized.


I can greet and leave people in a polite way.

 I can say hello and goodbye to someone my age or younger.

 I can say hello and goodbye to my teacher.

 I can say hello and goodbye to an adult.

 I can say hello and goodbye to a person I do not know.

 I can  ______________________________________


I can introduce myself and others.

 I can introduce myself and provide basic personal information.

 I can introduce someone else.

 I can respond to an introduction.

 I can ______________________________________


I can answer a variety of simple questions.

 I can answer questions about what I like and dislike.

 I can answer questions about wht I am doing and what I did.

 I can answer questions about where I’m going or where I went.

 I can answer questions about something I have learned.

 I can ___________________________________________


I can make some simple statements in a conversation.

 I can tell someone what I am doing.

 I can say where I went.

 I can say whom I am going to see.

 I can express a positive reaction, such as “Great!”

 I can _________________________________________________


I can ask simple questions.

 I can ask who, what, when, where  questions.

 I can ask questions about something that I am learning.

 I can ___________________________________________________


I can communicate basic information about myself and people I know.

  I can say my name and ask someone’s name.

 I can say or write something about the members of my family and ask about someone’s family.

 I can say or write something about friends and classmates.

 I can ____________________________________________________


I can communicate some basic information about my everyday life.

 I can give times, dates, and weather information.

 I can talk about what I eat, learn and do.

 I can talk about places I know.

 I can ask and understand how much something costs.

 I can tell someone the time and location of a community event.

 I can ____________________________________________________


Novice High:  I can communicate and exchanged information about familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences, sometimes supported by memorized language.  I can usually handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions.


I can exchange some personal information.

 I can ask and say a home address and e-mail address.

 I can ask and say someone’s nationality.

 I can aks and talk about family members and their characteristics.

 I can ask and talk about friends, classmates, and teachers.

 I can ___________________________________________________


I can exchange information using texts, graphs or pictures.

 I can ask about and identify familiar things in a pictures from a story.

 I can ask about and identify important information about the weather using a map.

 I can aks and respond to simple questions abour dates., times, places, and events on schedules, posters and tickets.

 I can respond to simple questions based on graphs or visuals that provide information containing numbers or statistics.

 I can __________________________________________________


I can ask for and give simple directions.

 I can ask for directions to a place.

 I can tell someone how to get from one place to another, such as go straight, turn left, or turn right.

 I can tell someone where something is located, such as next to, across from, or in the middle of.

 I can ____________________________________________________


I can make plans with others.

 I can accept or reject an invitation to do something or go somewhere.

 I can invite and make plans with someone to do something or go somewhere.

 I can exchange information about where to go, such as to the store, the movie theater, a concert, a restaurant or when to meet.

 I can ____________________________________________________


I can interact with others in everyday situations.

 I can order a meal.

 I can make a purchase.

 I can buy a ticket.

 I can ____________________________________________________




Novice Low:  I can present information about myself and some other very familiar topics using single words or memorized phrases.


I can recite words and phrases that I have learned.

I can count from 1 - 10.

 I can say the date and the day of the week.

 I can list the months and seasons.

 I can _________________________________________________________


I can state the names of familiar people. places and objects in pictures and posters using words or memorized phrases.

 I can name famous landmarks and people.

 I can name countries on a map.

 I can list items I see every day.

 I can ___________________________________________________________


I can introduce myself in a group.

 I can state my name, age and where I live.

 I can give my phone number, home address and e-mail address.

 I can ____________________________________________________________


I can recite short memorized phrases, parts of poems, and rhymes.

 I can sing a short song.

 I can recite a nursery rhyme.

 I can recite a simple poem.

 I can ____________________________________________________________


Novice Mid:  I can present information about myself and some other very familiar topics using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.


I can present information about myself and others using words and phrases.

 I can say what I look like.

 I can say what I am like.

 I can say what someone looks like.

 I can say what someone is like.

 I can ____________________________________________________________


I can express my likes and dislikes using words and phrases, and memorized expressions.

 I can say which sports I like and don’t like.

 I can list my favorite free-time activities and those I don’t like.

 I can state my favorite foods and drinks and those I don’t like.

 I can _____________________________________________________________


I can present information about familiar items in my immediate environment.

 I can talk about my house.

 I can talk about my school.

 I can talk about my room and what I have in it.

 I can present basic information about my community, town/city, state, or country.

 I can ______________________________________________________________


I can talk about my daily activities using words, phrases and memorized expressions.

 I can list my classes and tell what time they start and end.

 I can name activities and their times in my daily schedule.

 I can talk about what I do on the weekends.

 I can ______________________________________________________________


I can present simple information about something I learned using words, phrases, and memorized expressions.

 I can talk about holiday celebrations based on pictures or photos.

 I can name the main cities on a map.

 I can talk about animals, colors, foods, historical figures, or sports based on pictures or photos.

 I can ______________________________________________________________


Novice High:  I can present basic information on familiar topics using language I have practice using phrases and simple sentences.


I can present information about my life using phrases and simple sentences.

 I can describe my family and friends.

 I can describe my school.

 I can describe where I work and what I do.

 I can ______________________________________________________________


I can tell about a familiar experience or event using phrases and simple sentences.

 I can tell what I do in class.

 I can tell about what I do during the weekend.

 I can tell about what happens after school.

 I can ______________________________________________________________


I can present basic information about a familiar person, place, or thing using phrases and simple sentences.

 I can describe a useful website.

 I can talk about my favorite musical group, actor, or author.

 I can describe a landmark, vacation location, or a place I visit.

 I can talk about a famous person from history.

 I can ______________________________________________________________


I can present information about others using phrases and simple sentences.

 I can talk about others’ likes and dislikes.

 I can talk about others’ free-time acitvities.

 I can give basic biographical information about others.

 I can _____________________________________________________________


I can give basic instructions on how to make or do something using phrases and simple sentences.

 I can tell how to prepare something simple to eat.

 I can describe a simple routine, like getting lunch in the cafeteria.

 I can give simple directions to a nearby location or to an online resource.

 I can ____________________________________________________________


I can present basic information about things I have learned using phrases and simple sentences.

 I can describe a simple process like a science experiment.

 I can present a topic from a lesson based on pictures or photos.

 I can present information about something I learned in a a class.

 I can present information about something I learned in the community.

 I can _____________________________________________________________